First, we went to the Natural History Museum, which for some reason was free that day. It was fascinating, and reminded me of when I was a kid and how I wanted to be a zoologist or a marine biologist. Alas, I can't study everything.
Then they bought us a "mixed seafood platter". First, they wanted me to try the calamari, which I've eaten before, but it wasn't my favorite. I liked it more when I ate it at the Chinese New Year party at BYU, but still it isn't something I'd ever order. Then they wanted me to eat a fish about the size of my thumb--eyes, fins, bones, and all. It wasn't at all appetizing, but I had to be able to say that I tried it, kind of like the cucumber and feta gelato. And who knew, I might end up enjoying it as much, too. I didn't. The spines of the fins poked my tongue and the bones were crunchy...ick. Good thing they also bought me a diet Coke to wash it down with.
Later they bought us dinner at the cutest, most picturesque little cafe. We ate in the back courtyard with ivy over all the walls, and the menu completely in Italian, and it was just the sort of place you imagine when you think of Italy. It was fabulous. Then they wanted to buy us T-shirts that said Ciao Bella in the cursive writing typical of Coca Cola. I wanted one really bad, I have since I first saw them in Rome, but they had spent enough money on us as it was. But thanks, Loredona and boyfriend. A day of not spending any money like that was exactly what my budget needed.
Then, I finally got to talk to Danny, and later I found out that our hostel was about half as cheap as I had planned on, again, just what my budget needed.
And today I am here in Ljublana, Slovenia. It has been a very slow, relaxing day. Which, if you haven't guessed it, is exactly what I needed. I knew this trip would be exhausting, but I don't think I fully understood just how much. I'm just about at the half-way mark, and every morning when I get out of bed, my legs seem to say, "Really? You're still going? You're going to do this to us AGAIN?" And I say, "Yes, legs. I'm the boss, and we're in Europe, so get a move on." And they obey, although they protest for a while in the morning and when I sit down at night.
But it's worth it. Because this trip has been just what I needed.

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