When we got to Cinque Terre, we stared at the furthest villiage called Monterozzo. Awesome. Then we hiked (legitimate hiking) to Vernazza. Amazing. It reminded me of hiking Timp with Peter last year when I kept saying, "Look, Peeta, MOUNTAINS!" because I was so thrilled by the views. Today, I kept saying, "Look, Robyn, its MAGNIFICENT." After switching out 'magnificent' with 'unbelievable', 'unreal', 'wonderful', 'beautiful', 'amazing', 'breath-taking', and every other synonym in my active vocabulary, I just remained speachless. And, I was stoked to be hiking, so I was doubly in heaven. After hiking, I tried some cinnamon gelato, and it was as divine as the landscape. I had foolishly left my swimming suit in my other bag at the train station (what with our hurried departure from Rome and the rain yesterday, I wasn't fully prepared). But the water there was so inviting and after hiking I was so hot, that I jumped into the Mediterranean sea in my tank top and capris. And you know what? Totally worth it. I went swimming today in Paradise. Then we took a train to Manarola and walked to Riomaggiore. One of the villiages was inaccessable due to construction, but four out of five isn't bad. I was so worried that only one day there, with the stresses of catching trains, wouldn't be enough time, that the stress would outweigh the reward. But we had an indescribable, (insert several synonyms, etc.) day. Robyn and one point, in wonder of our surroundings, said, "Thank you so much for planning this. If I were planning Italy, I wouldn't have thought to come here, but this is great!"
Just when I thought we were through the potentially stressful part of the day, things got hectic. Our train back to La Spezia was delayed, so I ran frantically to get our luggage. We would have missed our connecting train to Pisa, but that one was delayed too. That made us miss our train to Florence, but luckily they come often. Once in Florence, we couldn't find our hostel because they gave us bad directions and because there are two streets by the same name, one far outside the city, and because it was already getting late. Some nice man working at a hotel front desk let us use his computer to search for hostels, and then helped us find them on the map. So, finally we are safe and sound in a hostel, and a pretty cheap one at that. Comparatively, anyway. Italy is proving to be SO expensive. I have to figure out how to convince Ben to buy me dinner while I'm in Lisbon. That, or just fast every other day in Slovenia and Croatia.
Anyway, this is the bay where Robyn and I went swimming, and our gelato shop is just there to the right. Be jealous. Be very jealous. Because today rocked.

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