Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can life get better? I submit that it CANNOT!!

Today we went to the Uffizi Galeria. We saw works of art by Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and da Vinci. You know, the usual.
You are all going to think that I am uncultured, that I am unworthy of this trip, of being in this beautiful city. You are all going to look down your noses at me as an uneducated, silly girl. You may even shake your head at me, because the Uffizi was not the highlight of my day. Cool, yes. Highlight, no.
The highlight of my day was when I found out that Florence is the birthplace of gelato, and in honor of that fact, they are holding a gelato festival, which just happens to be on the days that I will be in Florence. We stumbled upon it quite by accident today, and, as many of you can imagine, I was pretty excited.
So the deal was you bought a gelato card and that entitled you to five "samples", which were about a full scoop. Robyn and I tried three together: advocado (which was good), cucumber and feta cheese (which was D-lish), and lemon and basil (which Robyn and I labeled a "slap in the face" of flavor, but after the initial slap, it was pretty good.) With our remaining two flavors, we each got one of our own. Robyn (crazy) got mushroom flavor, while I went with the safe bet of cinnamon cream to finish it off. It is entirely possible that we will go back again tomorrow before heading off to Venice.
But how cool is that, that of all the days of my trip that I could have ended up in this city, I, a gelato fanatic, just happen to be here for the gelato festival. I left my walking/hiking shoes on the train from La Spezia (typical), and have had no success in searching for them. I was so looking forward to hiking in Slovenia (and Timp when I get back for that matter) and after walking around in my beloved Havaianas on cobblestones for two days, my feet are...not happy. I was a little frustrated this morning when we went all the way across town to the agency we were told would have them and they weren't there,but after the gelato festival, I once again feel assured that Heavenly Father must really love me. Just, do me a favor, and pray for me to find my shoes too, OK?


  1. Ashleeee! You're having such a European adventure! I envy you and your gelato festival. :)

  2. If your OCD mother was there she would have reminded you about your shoes. You need your mom! :)Next Europe trip I get to come. McKayla will be off to college. Start saving.

  3. I have been following your travels! Hey, it's great that you're enjoying yourself in Italy, but seriously, it'd be nice to get a response to that second-to-last email I sent so I can make my plans and know how to meet up with you! I know you have internet at least once in a while--please respond!
