Well, I didn't sleep much in Riga, in spite of being so tired from my hour-and-a-half nap that separated my first two days of travel. I went to sleep around 12:30 was awake around 3, got out of bed around 5:30, and got another half hour nap after breakfast. Luckily, Kate (formerly known as Sister Foust, my favoirte companion) agreed that Riga didn't hold anything special for us, so we were off to Daugavpils. That meant taking some of my favoirte drug (dramamine) and sleeping for the four hour bus ride. I woke up just before reaching D-pils, just in time for the most wonderful view of the Daugava (the river) and a beautiful landscape dotted with dachas (their summer "homes" that are really nothing more than lean-tos that they stay in to work in their gardens.) It was Latvia and its most ideal.
Even though this is the place that I said good-bye to first on the mission, I soon begin to recognize street names and landmarks. I remember it even better than Riga, maybe because we walked so much more here so we had to pay more attention, or maybe just because it is nearer and dearer to my heart. There isn't much to see in D-pils. OK, so there's nothing here to see. The sweet family that runs our hotel was obviously confused as to why someone who spoke poor Russian and no Latvian would want to stay here for two nights. For us this city is all about memories and people.
First we went to the Chebotariov family. The short version is that we found them, taught them, saw them baptized, and love them with all our hearts. If you want to hear the long version, about how miraculous and funny and wonderful they are, I'll tell you later, but it really is a LONG version. They didn't know we were coming, so when Arina asked, "who's there" and I answered, she threw the door open and hugged Kate and I in utter shock. She was so excited to see us and couldn't believe we were there. She called back to her family, "The sisters have come to see us, the sisters are here!" Their surprise was so prieless, and Larissa looked like she was going to cry. Luba was shy at first, but quick to warm up to us and was soon back to the little girl that was ever eager to show off to us and give us trinkets. They were sealed in the temple in November and will return in August to add Arina, who wasn't ready for the temple yet. Luba turns 8 in two weeks and will be baptized, provided her father can convince her that being dunked underwater like that is perfectly safe. Alexander is the first counselor in the branch presidency, and they are great member missionaries, as always. So amazing to have know them!
They called Vita, the most Celestial woman I have ever known, who lives nearby. "You'll never guess who we have here as guests...No...no...THE SISTERS!" As the last sister missionaries here, we are easier to remember. So after the mandatory tea and cookies, we had to go visit her too. We were not opposed, although I was slightly opposed to having to have more tea and more cookies. But the way Larissa and Vita hugged me, like they really meant it, was....just wonderful.
Vita mentioned that Eva, an old investigator, had moved appartments. I came to D-pils just in time for the baptism of her son, Lauris, and we would have baptized Eva too, but she had issues with her "husband". The only way for us to find her was for Vita and her daughter to walk us there. It was very late, but we had to find Eva. She was asleep so we headed home, but it was so late that the next tram didn't come for another hour, so we had to walk, which was fine. But when we got the hotel, it was all locked up, and for a while, we thought we would have to roam the streets of Daugavpils for the night. Luckily, that was not the case, we eventually got in, and luckily I had Kate with me so I wasn't too worried.
Even though this city is the smallest that I served in here and has literally nothing to see, we deided to stay another night to see Eva. We weren't sure what we would do with ourselves for the rest of the day, we're not sure how to find some of the other members we would like to see, many are in England, and we covered some of our favorites last night. But I think I'm staying for more than just Eva. I'm glad to stay another night in Daugavpils because Daugavpils still loves me. Daugavpils, very much unlike Riga, is still home.