I never intended to make this blog a soap box. I much prefer to write things that will actually be mildly entertaining, but I have something to say to the single men of the world that you might find helpful, and I think all the single ladies (all the single ladies) will agree with me.
Recently I was told of a concept called a 'chicken list'. This is something that, as far as I know, was invented by a former member of my bishopric. A chicken list is where a boy makes a list of the top five females that he is too chicken to ask out, and then said ex-bishopric-member makes it happen.
I'm certainly not going to assume that I'm currently on anyone's chicken list, but if I were, the very fact that he was chicken enough to have a chicken list would be the biggest strike against him. One of the easiest ways to impress me would be to man up (that's the nicest way I could say that, but don't think I didn't consider lots meaner ways of saying it), tell me that you like me, and ask me out on a date in no uncertain terms. Rejection sucks. Then you get over it. Or the boy can leave the girl of his dreams on a chicken list and watch while she gets swept off her feet by a real man.
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