I should have known that this road trip was doomed from the beginning. It was originally supposed to be a family trip, but most people bailed, leaving me and my sister Cassity. I was disappointed, but felt pressure to make the most of it, since the hotels, gas, and tickets were paid for, since my Mom had planned the trip (I'm pretty sure) to help me with my post-Europe blues, since Cassity had already scheduled her days off, and since any break from my currently-boring life is much appreciated.
So Monday morning we hit the road, me full of faith that Cassity knew where we were going and Cassity sure that I would tell her where to get off the freeway. So, we took the long way to our hotel in Bluffdale, Utah, and got a speeding ticket on the way, and very nearly ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Needless to say, we were relieved to finally arrive at the Recapture Lodge. The hostess asked us upon checking us into our room what we were going to do there, and we cheerfully and excitedly told her that we were planning on hiking the narrows. "What narrows?" she asked, looking quite confused. My mom had somehow, quite on accident, booked us a hotel hours away from what we where we thought we were going. To make ourselves feel better about the rough start of our trip, we watched a lightning storm from the pool. (Don't worry, we got out before it got close.)
Tuesday morning, we cheerfully and determinedly decided to make the most of our situation, changed our plans, and headed for Natural Bridges. Cassity thought she had a big water bottle in the car, but when we parked for the hike, she couldn't find it. My handy Camelbak holds enough water for me to make it to the top of Timp and back, so I told her I had plenty to share. Turns out, I didn't. Shortly after running out of water, we lost the trail and couldn't see any cairns anywhere, and hadn't seen another living soul in hours. We did eventually successfully drag ourselves back to the car, and when we got to the visitor's center, we both made ourselves sick drinking gulping down all the water our stomachs could hold.
I asked the ranger at Natural Bridges if we had time to make it to Mesa Verde. "Oh, sure," she said, "just take the highway into Cortez and follow the signs. There will be signs everywhere". Sounds easy enough. In Cortez we stopped for a burger and asked for directions, just to clarify. The burger lady didn't have a clue. So we continued on that same highway through Cortez. Just before reaching 4 Corners, we knew something was wrong and asked a construction worker who told us we were going in the wrong direction, that upon entering Cortez we were supposed to take a sharp left. There had not been any signs. By the time we made it to Mesa Verde, paid our $15 entrance fee, and made it to the visitor's center, we were too late for the cliff palace tour and, again, out of gas. The rangers said they could not help us until our car stalled on the road, then they could give us a gallon or two to make it to a gas station. The problem is, there
is no side of the road. There is the road and then a couple thousand foot fall to certain death. So we crossed our fingers and made a run to the gas station. We went to THREE different gas stations and NONE of them worked, even though we saw someone get gas right before us at the first one. They kept telling me to "Please See Cashier". But there was no cashier. I count it no small miracle that Cassity's little Lancer made it to gas station number 4 after having driven 50 miles with the gas light on. By this time Mesa Verde was closed and we had seen nothing. We had driven all day and through two different states and paid $15 for absolutely nothing. With some gas station comfort food, we headed back to our hotel. The pool was again the best part of the day as bats swooped around me, inches from my head. I thought it was super cool; Cassity hid in the hot tub while I laughed at her. She didn't understand how I wasn't scared of the bats. But on our way out a beetle attacked me and I screamed like a little girl while she laughed at me, so we are even.
Wednesday it was off to Vegas, where our troubles were finally behind us. We made it to Vegas without incident and had time for a good nap and a great dinner before seeing Lion King: the Musical. I was skeptical, even though everyone I know who has seen it says they like it. I enjoyed the creative and elaborate costumes, and loved Rafiki. Some of the music was great, other parts I thought so-so. Overall, I enjoyed it, but it will never be my favorite musical because the plot is so.....Disney. I much prefer Les Mis with its deeper, more complex themes and thicker plot.
The only plans we had for Thursday were to drive home, but we delayed that in favor of the Shark Reef aquarium, roaming the strip, getting henna tattoos, and lounging about the Cesar's Palace pool. They didn't ask us if we were actual guests of that hotel, and we didn't bother to tell them that we weren't. We just grabbed towels from the pool boy and walked in like we owned the joint.
It was so nice to have Vegas at least be stress free. And, even through the stressful and disappointing times I had fun. I was glad to be with Cassity for those parts, because we just laughed them off and had fun anyway. And I was glad to have some bonding time with my crazy hysterical sister. A lot about his vacation was a disaster, but at least with her it was an entertaining disaster.